Project Description

For a chain of specialized skin and beauty clinics, the objective was to attract footfalls in the leanest periods in retail therapy.
Customer segments were identified as Active, New Joinees, On-the-brink clients and lapsers.
- Get customers to transact more frequently in the non promo months of June and July
- Increase average ticket size
- Promote transition of the customer from low value product purchase to beauty packages that are of single and multiple sessions
Soften the target audience’s reservations about premium priced services without succumbing to price discounts and yet draw repeat purchase from current customers.
The Marketing strategy was SIN
- Segment the client database to meaningful clusters:
- Inch by inch: Three visits were essential to qualify
- Narcisstic offer:
- An exquisite designer bag
- Orra Diamond Jewellery
- Tissot Watches
To pique the interest of this difficult-to-impress audience, the campaign design was crafted to yield an integrated communication initiative that was both frequency and value driven.
The Customer insight: Designer skin with a designer bag to match
- Response to the Campaign:
- A whopping 50% of customers availed of offer with no price cuts
- This period saw the highest sales ever in the history of the client creating a record
- The efforts of amplification, reminder calls to complete sessions, sms yielded the desired results with:
i. 38% clients participating in the first month
ii. And a record breaking 67% clients participating in the second month
- Average transaction per customer rose by 1.7X
- Fascinating us all was the finding that 40% of Indulge customers broke the perceived ceiling of 3 visits and visited Kaya more than 3 times in just two months